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Sandra Marton - Slade Baron’s Bride Page 3

  "Here you go, darling," he said.

  Lara looked up. A man was standing in front of her. He was tall, he was probably what some women would call handsome, and if he thought she was in the mood for some fun and games, he was about to have his smug little smile stuffed right up his nose.

  She drew herself up and looked at him as coldly as she could.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  But not coldly enough, apparently. His smile broadened and he shot a pointed look at the person seated in the chair next to hers. Lara lifted her brows. Obviously he was ac­customed to having things his way. Well, she thought as the wimp beside her gave up his seat, this bozo was in for a big surprise.

  "I am the answer to your prayers, Sugar," her unwanted visitor said. He had a drawl of some kind. Not Southern; she knew Southern drawls. Western, maybe. That would explain the lean, rangy look to him, and those ridiculous cowboy boots.

  "I am not named `Sugar,"' she said coldly. "You're out of your league, cowboy. If those boots of yours are made for walking, you'd better let them walk."

  He grinned. It was, she had to admit, a nice grin on a nice face. Definitely handsome, if you liked men who looked as if they'd just ridden down from the hills, despite what had to be a hand-tailored suit and a Burberry raincoat. Not that any of that changed the fact that she wasn't inter­ested.

  "Ah," he said, "I see. You think this is just an old-fashioned pickup."

  Lara gave a wide-eyed stare. "My goodness," she said sweetly, "isn't it?"

  The stranger sighed, as if she'd wounded him deeply. Then he opened his computer case and took out a battery. She saw, right away, it was the duplicate of hers.

  "It's painful to be misjudged, Sugar," he said. "You need a battery for your computer and I just happen to have an extra. Now, does that sound like a pickup line to you?"

  Of course it did. Lara started to tell him he was wasting his time. But his eyes were twinkling, and. what was the harm in admitting she saw the humor in the situation? A few minutes of conversation might make the interminable delay seem less onerous.

  "Yes," she said, and smiled, to show she wasn't really offended.

  "Well, you're right. But you have to admit, it's creative." She laughed, and he laughed, and that was the way it all began.

  "Hi," he said, and held out his hand. "I'm Slade." She hesitated, then took his hand. "I'm Lara." A tiny electric jolt passed between them.

  "Static electricity," she said quickly, and pulled back her hand.

  "Or something." He smiled again. "I couldn't help but overhear your, uh, your conversation. The one you were having with yourself. I didn't actually hear what you called your dead battery, but I have a pretty good imagination."

  She laughed. "I'm afraid I wasn't being very polite."

  "I'm serious about giving you that extra battery."

  "Thanks, but I can do without it."

  "Well, I'll lend it to you, then. So you can check your e-mail, or whatever."

  "I did that, just before the stupid thing died. Actually it's the `whatever' part that I was going for." She smiled. "I was going to play solitaire."

  His brows lifted. They were dark brows, winged a little at the ends, and went nicely with his black, silky-looking hair. "Computer solitaire. The wonder of the age," he said with a dead-serious expression. "One card or three?"

  "One, of course. Timed, with Vegas rules..."

  "The deck with the palm trees?"

  Lara laughed. "Uh-huh. I like that little face that appears, the one that grins when you least expect it."

  "Ah, the wonders of the chip," the stranger said, and they fell into easy conversation-except she really wasn't quite sure what either of them was saying.

  She thought about that electrical jolt she'd felt when she'd put her hand in his. It hadn't been static electricity at all; it had been a tingling sense of sexual awareness. She'd never felt it before but that didn't mean she was incapable of rec­ognizing it.

  And why not? This man, this stranger named Slade, was, to put it simply, gorgeous.

  Tall, dark and handsome. Three little words but, when applied to him, spectacular. Coal-black hair. Smoky-gray eyes shaded by thick, black lashes. A blade of a nose set above a firm mouth and a square, dimpled chin. And even inside that custom-tailored suit, Lara could tell he had the kind of body the guys at her health club sweated for but never quite managed to achieve. He had a nice sense of humor, too, and he was intelligent...

  And, just like that, the voice of the girl in the TV inter­view zipped through her head.

  If I'd picked up a stranger in a bar, some guy with good looks and enough brains to carry on an intelligent conver­sation...

  Lara knew she was blushing but she couldn't help it. A stranger in a bar? My God, what was wrong with her? Here he was, this hunky stranger, looking for a way to pass the time while the snow kept them trapped in the airport, and here she was, thinking that he'd be the right man to father her baby.

  Not that there was anything wrong in thinking about it, because she'd never do such a thing. Of course not. Have sex with a stranger? Not her. But she knew how easy it would be. An exchange of business cards, the suggestion that he look her up if he came to Atlanta or even something more specific, say, a deliberate plan to meet somewhere for a weekend...

  Lara let her thoughts drift. No, it wouldn't be difficult at all. He was interested in her, that was obvious. And he had a way about him that suggested he'd be good in bed, that he'd know how to bring a woman pleasure. Not that plea­sure mattered, in a situation like this. It was all hypothetical, and you didn't need to enjoy sex just to get pregnant. Still, he'd know all the right moves.

  She knew she was blushing again but she couldn't help it. Such wacky thoughts to be having, especially for a woman who had a sexual past uninteresting and unvaried enough to almost be embarrassing. But as long as she was indulging herself in this fantasy, there was no harm in imag­ining that he'd be good in bed. After all, she'd only have the one chance at getting pregnant. Weren't there statistics that showed orgasm increased those chances?

  Something must have shown in her face because sud­denly, in the middle of a sentence, he stopped talking and just stared at her. She was on the verge of grabbing her stuff and fleeing when he asked her if she wanted some coffee.

  What she wanted was to stop thinking these insane thoughts.

  Tell him no, she told herself, and then get up and walk away...

  "Yes," she said, "I'd love some."

  He rose from his chair. She did, too. They walked to the rear of the lounge, poured some coffee, sat down on a small sofa in a corner and she tried, really tried, to concentrate on what he was saying and to stop thinking nonsense, like how it might feel if he kissed her.

  Thoughts like that had never occupied her mind before. They did, now.

  And when he refilled her cup and his hand brushed hers, she felt as if she'd been shot through with a low-voltage electrical charge. A stranger in a bar, she thought again, and she forced a little laugh.

  "Whoops," she said. "One of us needs to be grounded before we go up in flames."

  She knew, instantly, it was the wrong thing to say. It sounded like a come-on and she hadn't meant it like that.. .had she?

  It was obvious what Slade thought. His eyes darkened, and a little muscle knotted just beside his mouth.

  "Going up in flames might be fun," he said in a voice that sent shivers up her spine.

  She felt a tremor go through her, and she began chattering inanely about something else. Anything, to lessen the grow­ing tension. He could handle this; he was that type of man, the kind who probably left swooning women behind him wherever he went. But she couldn't. She felt as if she were letting her sanity slip away.

  Silence built between them.

  "You're beautiful," he said softly.

  So are you, she thought, and blushed. "Thank you."

  "What does your hair look like, when it's loose?"

  The intimacy of th
e question stunned her. "What?"

  "Your hair. Is it long? Does it fall over your shoulders, and your breasts?" He took the cup from her and put it on the table beside him. "This isn't just another pickup line," he said softly. "You know it's not."

  She looked into his eyes and what she saw was her un­doing. No man had ever looked at her this way, had ever made her feel this way. Desirable. Sexy. Seductive. She knew what he was thinking, that he was imagining what it would be like to undress her, take down her hair, kiss her and stroke her and make her sob out his name...

  An announcement blared over the loudspeaker. Thank God, Lara thought, and focused her attention on the dis­embodied voice.

  All flights were grounded until further notice. The airline would try to make arrangements for overnight accommo­dations for passengers who wanted them.

  Lara cleared her throat. "Well," she said, and gave a forced laugh, "well, that's that."

  Slade nodded, and she was sure he understood what she meant. "Yes." He smiled politely. "Are you going to wait it out here?"

  "Uh-huh. How about you?"

  "Yes," she said, and then, so quickly that she wasn't sure it had happened, his eyes went from smoky-gray to deepest charcoal. "The hell with this," he said. "Come with me."

  Lara didn't pretend not to understand. "No," she whis­pered, "I can't."

  "Are you married?" She shook her head. "Engaged?" She shook her head again. Slade moved closer, until she could feel the warmth of his breath on her face. "Neither am I. We won't be hurting anyone." He reached out and took her hand. She let him do it, though she knew it was a mistake. "Come to bed with me, Lara."

  There it was, out in the open. What he'd been thinking, what she'd been thinking. And here was her chance. But she wouldn't take it. Sleep with a strange man, deliberately try to get herself pregnant without his knowledge...

  "No." She shook her head and said the words again. "I can't."

  "We'll be incredible together," he said in a husky whis­per.

  "I couldn't," she stammered. "I -I don't even know you."

  "Yes, you do. You've known me forever, the same as I've known you." His voice was rough and low. "As for the details... I'm an architect. I live in Boston. I'm straight, I'm not married, not committed to anyone. I'm twenty-eight years old, I just had my annual physical and my doctor says I'm healthy enough to outlive Methuselah. And I've never wanted a woman the way I want you."

  Lara looked at him. She felt as if she'd stepped into an­other dimension, a dimension in which anything was pos­sible and everything was acceptable. Who would she hurt, if she went with him? He wanted her. She wanted a child.

  No. No, it was worse than crazy, it was immoral. Wasn't it?

  She swallowed dryly, then licked her lips.

  "It's-it's crazy. Even talking like this-"

  He put his finger lightly across her mouth. She shuddered at the feel of it on her skin. A lazy lick of flame began curling through her blood. Oh, it would be so easy...

  "I'll get a taxi," he murmured. "There's a hotel not far from here. They know me. They'll find us a room."

  "A taxi. And a hotel, in weather like this?" She made a sound that she hoped was a laugh. "You're very sure of yourself, Slade."

  "If I were sure of myself," he said softly, "I wouldn't be holding my breath while I wait for your answer."

  She looked up at him, and thought of what it would be like to go with him. To have him touch her. Not just because she wanted a child but-be honest, Lara-but because he was the most exciting man she'd ever met, because she was dizzy with wanting to be in his arms...


  She took a deep, deep breath. And she said, "Yes."

  He took her to the hotel. His arm lay heavy around her waist, anchoring her to him as if he thought she'd change her mind and run away. He started to stop at the shop in the lobby and she knew it was so he could buy condoms. She took an even deeper breath and told him it wasn't necessary.

  He didn't question her, but the press of his hand at her waist grew more possessive as he led her to their room. She didn't panic until he shut the door and locked it.

  When he turned toward her, she looked at him and saw a stranger.

  What am I doing? she thought frantically. Her heart thumped with fear.

  "No!" she said, "no, I can't do this."

  Perhaps if he'd tried to talk her into it, or if he'd pulled her into his arms, things would have ended differently. But he did neither of those things. He took her face in his hands, his touch sure and gentle. And he kissed her so tenderly that it made her feel breathless.

  His mouth was wonderful, soft and warm on hers. She felt the fear slipping from her body, felt something hot and exciting take its place. She wrapped her hands around his wrists and, slowly, the kiss changed, grew hungry and de­manding, and she moaned and looped her arms around his neck.

  Now, she thought, now, before I lose courage...

  "Please," she whispered, "oh, Slade, please."

  And he carried her to the bed, undressed her, let down her hair and fulfilled every middle-of-the night dream she'd ever had, and some she'd never dared imagine.

  The storm became a blizzard. Lara didn't care. She never left Slade's arms, never wanted to. She forgot the reason she'd come with him and remembered only that he was the lover she'd always longed for.

  He was everything, the perfect fantasy, and yet he was real.

  She fell asleep at last, exhausted, her head on his chest, and awakened to his kisses at dawn. She looked up at him and knew she'd been a fool to think she wanted him only so he could give her a baby. She still wanted that but now she wanted more.

  She wanted Slade, in her arms and in her life. And, if the past hours meant anything, she thought he might want that, too. In fact, there was a darkness in his eyes that she sus­pected came of the realization that the long, wonderful night was going to end.

  She smiled, to let him know she didn't want it to happen, either. "Slade? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing. I mean, the storm's over." He smiled, and her heart plummeted because suddenly she knew she'd misun­derstood what she'd seen in his eyes. It wasn't fear that the night would end, it was panic that she might want more than he wanted to give. "Lara, this was wonderful. Maybe-maybe we can manage to get together again some­time."

  She felt the sting of tears in her eyes and hated herself for it. She reminded herself that he'd made her no promises, that she'd wanted no promises, and she smiled and assured him that would be great. She had the awful feeling he was going to apologize for having hurt her feelings and she stopped him by reaching for him, touching him, and making him forget everything but the need to possess her again.

  When it was done, he made an attempt at sincerity.

  "I don't know your address," he said. "Or your phone number."

  "I'll give them to you in the morning," Lara had an­swered, but she'd known she was lying. She'd waited until he fell asleep. Then she'd dressed and let herself quietly from the room.

  She hadn't gone with him for passion, she'd gone for what he could give her. For a child. That was all she'd wanted from him...

  Wasn't it? she thought, as she stared out at the Baltimore harbor.

  Lara swung away from the window. Her intercom was buzzing. She cleared her throat and reached for it.

  "Ms. Stevens? Mr. Baron's arrived. He's in the confer­ence room, with the directors. Mr. Dobbs says would you please join them now?"

  "Thank you, Nancy."

  She sounded calm. That was good. She looked it, too, she thought as she took out her compact and peered into it. But her hand trembled a little as she smoothed back her hair.

  "Don't be an idiot, Lara," she told her reflection. She was prepared. She knew what she had to do and how to do it. She'd get Slade Baron out of Baltimore so quickly it would make his head spin. As for facing him that wasn't a problem. What she'd felt for him, what she'd thought she felt, had never been real.

  Lara smoothed down her
skirt, plucked the folder from her desk and left her office.

  * * *


  LARA swiped the palms of her hands against her skirt as she rode the elevator to the conference room level.

  Stop it, she told herself angrily. The advantage was hers. Slade wouldn't be expecting to see her. He hadn't known her last name, any more than she'd known his. He was going to be the one who would have to work at showing no re­action to the discovery that Beaufort's chief auditor was the woman he'd slept with on a snowy night in Denver.

  She had to calm down, otherwise she'd not only lose that advantage, she'd never be able to carry this off. Slade would see her panic and he, smug male animal that he was, would take it as a sign that she was overcome with excitement at seeing him again.

  Overcome, yes. But not with excitement. With fear. And there was nothing to fear. Nothing.

  The elevator door slid open. Lara took a breath, squared her shoulders and strode down the hall.

  "They're waiting for you," Dobbs's secretary chirped.

  Lara took her chances and tried a smile. "Thanks."

  It worked. The secretary didn't leap to her feet and run, screaming, to the elevator, which, Lara supposed, meant she really was smiling and not just pulling her lips back from her teeth like a rabid dog baring its fangs. But that was certainly how it felt.

  The massive doors to the conference room stood open. Lara's heart thudded. She hesitated in the doorway while she scanned the room for Slade. Where was he? The room was big. Huge, really. Six months ago, when she'd trans­ferred from the Atlanta office to this one, she'd attended a meeting in it and been amazed at the room's enormity.

  There he was, standing at the windows with his back to her. It didn't matter that she couldn't see his face. She knew him just the same. His height. The width of his shoulders. That midnight-black hair. And the way he stood, with a sort of sexy, king of the universe arrogance.

  It was Slade, just as she remembered him. Slade, the fan­tasy-lover whose arms had held her all through that long­ ago night. Whose arms still held her in the dreams she ac­knowledged only in the darkness before dawn...